GridZoom Mission Statement

Gridzoom is an internet search engine under development.

- There are plenty of search engines out there. Why another?
Existing search engines do a fine job of delivering relevant search results. However, relevant often means not what you were looking for, but what a webmaster wants you to see. Search engine optimization has become an important task for webmasters. But are you really looking for the site best at cheating a search engine?

- So what will make Gridzoom different?
First of all, our spider rates a site by certain quality factors as a human reader would precieve them. Sites with no other purpose than getting at your wallet will be ranked respectively. The spider ranking will then be modified by a special algorithm determining a sites general topic and relevance. Of course, in an ideal world search engines with sophisticated full text algorithms would deliver better results. Unfortunately, this isn't an ideal world. We are out to clean up that mess and help you find those sites with worthwhile information and services.

- "Special algorithm"?
This is the heart of the Gridzoom technology. We are not able to disclose any details yet. However, the exact workings of GridZoom will be available to the internet community soon.

- Cool, so when will it be finnished?
We are aiming for a working beta early 2005. By the end of 2005 we want to have all relevant pages spidered with a spider cycle of under an hour for news sites and other fast updaters.
After initial funding failed, we sort of blew out deadline. This is not necessarily a bad thing, because nowadays we are smarter and current hardware allows us to launch this project without major funding. With a little luck we will be able to launch the first public beta early in 2008.

Development Status:

gridBot Version 0.3 alpha - HTTP Implementation is still very unclean.
- Robots support largely untested.
- Fulltext logic is not being indexed yet.
- Penalty analysis is virtually non-existent.
- Rankmodifiers need tweaking.
rankAnalyser Version 0.4 alpha - Numbers need some tweaking.
- Much DB/Index optimization needed to speed up the process.
Search Frontend Version 0.1 alpha - Very basic first version for testing purposes.
Database Version 0.2 alpha - Basic layout and indexes done.
- Search query format to support split DB/tables needed.


Crawler Statistics - Mission Statement - GridBot

All content on this site and the GridZoom ranking algorithm are © 2004 Augemedia